Exfoliation involves getting rid of the dirt and dead skin cells on the outermost layer of the skin. It not only helps maintain glow and radiant looking skin but also delays the appearance of fine lines, brown spots, and wrinkles. Normally, it takes about 30 days or so for a layer of the skin to completely wear off and be replaced by an all-new layer. Exfoliating, twice a week helps speed up and facilitate this process leaving you with healthy new skin that lets you put off facials for a longer time. I have been looking out for ways to scrub away the dirt and the blocked pores in a way that is one hundred percent natural.
I find that organic scrubs containing pure sea salts or activated charcoal act like a magnet for dirt and dead skin cells. While activated charcoal is a fine natural adsorbent for dirt, sea salts stimulate the skin and help strip off dead cells. A popular brand called LUSH makes cosmetics and skincare products that are completely free of synthetic chemicals and preservatives. Two of their scrubs-Ocean Salt and Dark Angels (containing powdered charcoal) are really popular as exfoliators and cleansers. They can be a little bit pricey but are easily available everywhere and are definitely worth a try.
Very often, skin reacts to all this stimulation by drying out excessively or producing too much oil. Worst-case scenario may even be broken blood capillaries. If yours is the type of skin that is extremely sensitive to mechanical exfoliation then hope is not lost. A great natural chemical exfoliator for you is LACTIC ACID. Curd (or yogurt) is the easiest and most accessible source of lactic acid. Concoct your own face mask at home while using curd as your base. You could mix honey, turmeric powder, lemon juice, orange peel (dried and powdered), gram flour, or basically any of those good old skin care remedies that your grandmother may have told you about. Keeping this mask on your face for sometime will help you exfoliate without any of those unwanted aftereffects.
A very important last step is making sure that the cleansed pores left open are sealed shut again. Rubbing ice or patting on some refrigerated rose water will cause contraction on the skin and shut the pores. I much prefer this method over using an alcohol based toner.
Remember to pamper your skin with nature's abundant goodness and it'll love you back.
Good Luck !
Tejasvini. xx.
Tejasvini. xx.
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